Boost Your Popularity as a Drag Performer

Join Gaggl and connect with your local LGBTQ community, get more bookings, and receive positive reviews.


Discover how Gaggl can help you stand out and grow your presence.

Community Recognition

Be listed among the local LGBTQ performers and get recognized.

Event Bookings

Get bookings from bars, restaurants, and other venues for events like Drag Bingo or Drag Brunch.

Positive Reviews

Gain critiques and receive positive reviews from your audience.

Community Recognition

As a Gaggl member, you'll gain recognition within the local LGBTQ community. Your profile will be listed among local performers, boosting your visibility and reputation. Engage with other performers and be part of a supportive network.

  • Be listed on an aggregated list of local performers
  • Increase your visibility and reputation
  • Engage with a supportive community of fellow performers

Event Bookings

Gaggl helps you get booked for events at various venues. Whether it's Drag Bingo at a local bar or Drag Brunch at a restaurant, you'll find new opportunities to perform and showcase your talent. Expand your reach and attract diverse audiences.

  • Receive event booking inquiries from bars and restaurants
  • Perform at diverse venues and reach new audiences
  • Showcase your talent through various themed events

Positive Reviews

Receive valuable feedback and positive reviews from your audience. Gaggl allows users to endorse and recommend performers, helping you to build a solid reputation. Use critiques to improve your acts and keep your audience engaged and entertained.

  • Gain endorsements and recommendations from users
  • Build a solid reputation through positive reviews
  • Use feedback to continuously improve your performances

Join Gaggl Today

Become a part of a vibrant and supportive network of drag performers.